Tame Your Mind

You should be in control of your mind. Your mind was not given to you to run your life. No!
Go gave you a mind to help manifest in the natural the richness He has deposited in your spirit man.
However, if you let the mind, it will run your life! You’re not about to do that, are you?

Your mind needs attention and care. If you don’t attend to it, it will grow all kinds of weeds and become wild. And who wants to have a wild, unrestrained, and undisciplined mind?

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The Fear Of Lack And Want

The Lord said these words to me on the morning of the ninth day of August, 2018. “Until man comes to realize that I have already blessed him with everything he needs to be all that he needs to be; that I have put him in the midst of abundance without his own effort; that I really care about him above all, man will always be afraid of lack, want and not having enough.

This fear will get him out of bed, early in the morning, push him out on the road. It will get him working himself to his bones, and get him back home so late and so exhausted and worn out. He will neither have time for Me nor his family. This cycle, if not checked, will continue for the rest of his short stay on earth. Man will reduce his life to the pursuit of just his SURVIVAL – what to eat, wear, drive, and where to live.

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The Fear Of Intimacy

The fear of intimacy is one of the very real fears that attack the human heart.

The Creator decided to put within everyone a deep-seated, and overwhelming desire for intimacy. Everyone longs to love and be loved. Everyone craves for a relationship of some sort; we just want to feel connected or belonging. And almost as strong as the overwhelming desire to love and be loved is, the fear of intimacy. The fear of intimacy manifests itself in two basic ways. It may come as the fear of heartbreak or being jilted. And the fear of getting too close than it’s convenient for you; the fear of being trapped in a relationship.

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If You Are Afraid This Is Why


Emotions have messages. Feelings don’t just happen; they are triggered by your thoughts. This means that different emotions are caused by different thought patterns. Emotions, in a way, are your thoughts finding expressions through your feelings. So your emotions carry messages that reflect what you have been thinking about and how you have been thinking. For instance, when you feel guilty, it means that you have broken one of your principles. It means you have done or said something that you consider as being wrong.
Shame communicates that you think yourself unworthy, because you have done something stupid, hence, not deserving of acceptance or love.
When you feel disappointment, it simply means that an expectation you had was not met or you have been let down. Worry means that you are not adequately prepared for what’s coming. So what message does fear communicate?

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To Nourish And To Cherish

“…To have and to hold; to NOURISH and to CHERISH…”

Familiar lines, huh?
Marital vows!
Such beautiful words. I remembered when my wife and I took ours. It was with such deep emotions.

The union of marriage is such a beautiful gift. But much more thrilling is the fact that marriage is a picture of the relationship between Christ and the believers, His Church. Christ is the Groom; and the Church His Bride. You’re His and He is yours. That’s why His Spirit came to live inside you permanently as a seal of His betrothal.

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Together Forever

The newly weds John and Benita beam with Joy as they chorused a portion of their vow “Till death do us part” and stepped into their new home.

Much more powerful than the togetherness that marital commitment brings is, the togetherness that accepting Christ brings between God and man.

But the person who is united to the Lord becomes one spirit with Him.”

(1Cor 6:17)

When anyone accepts Christ, the Holy Spirit comes to live in them forever.

And because you [really] are [His] sons, God has sent the [Holy] Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, Abba (Father)! Father!”(Gal 4:6, AMP)

Even death cannot separate them: 

“…God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” (Hebrew 13:5, NIV)

Within their new home, John and Benita will sometimes have to be in different parts of the house. They would also go out and be apart a lot. But the Holy Spirit is so firmly and deeply fixed in you that you are never apart from Him. Not even for a second!

He is so committed to loving us that He didn’t stay in heaven nor moved into the neighbourhood. He chose to come and live within anyone who would let Him.
He seeks to have a rich, unbroken fellowship with us every minute of our lives.

May you give him the chance of abiding in you and commit to relating with him always.

If this post has blessed you, we will love to hear from you.

By Princess Beatrice Najime

Weighed Down By Accusations

Are you weighed down by false accusations?

I woke up this morning to face a rude accusation from a neighbor. He accused me of colluding with power supply officials to switch his phases with mine. And what was his reason? My light was brighter than his. But unknown to him, my bright supply came from a phase that’s taken from a different pole. Even though another neighbor came out to defend me, his mind was already made up, and he kept on with his accusations and names calling.

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For Those Who Grew Up Without Love


Love is the deepest spiritual longing of the human heart. In other words, the ultimate need of the human heart is to feel a sense of security.
Because the more deeply we are loved, the more secure we tend to feel. And the more secure one feels, the easier it is for one to reach beyond oneself, to love others, without manipulation.

The deep importance of the need for love lies in the fact that we were created in love and by love, and to live in love. God crafted the human from the core of His Being, from the very foundation of love. For God is love. He is the complete expression of love, the very fullness of love. And out of this fullness, you and I were created. That’s why the deep longing for love and affection exert such a powerful pull on us, that we will go to any length just to fulfill it. For instance, we can even feign sickness just to get attention. When I was a child, I used to do this, especially at those times I felt I wasn’t given enough attention, being the last born. And it always worked. My mum would let me sleep in her bed, cover me up and treat me to some special delicacies. ?
That’s how powerful a pull the longing for love exerts on us!

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The Healing Power Of Right Words

We invest yet another day looking at the power of words. Only today we’ll be considering the healing power of right words.

Words exact a powerful influence on our minds, for good or for evil. Rash words hurt. Graceful words heal. However, the extent to which any word or statement affects you is dependent on whether or not you choose to internalize it. You internalize a statement when we you keep playing it in your mind, repeating it to yourself over and again. Each time you repeat a statement, it gets deeper into the memory and wields stronger influence on your emotions, thoughts and imagination. So the magic is in repetition.

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