The Healing Power Of Right Words

We invest yet another day looking at the power of words. Only today we’ll be considering the healing power of right words.

Words exact a powerful influence on our minds, for good or for evil. Rash words hurt. Graceful words heal. However, the extent to which any word or statement affects you is dependent on whether or not you choose to internalize it. You internalize a statement when we you keep playing it in your mind, repeating it to yourself over and again. Each time you repeat a statement, it gets deeper into the memory and wields stronger influence on your emotions, thoughts and imagination. So the magic is in repetition.

Wounds caused by negative statements can only be healed by positive statements. And I have come to discover that, for every abusive or non affirming statement, there are over a hundred comforting or affirming statements in the Word of God, to counter and destroy their effects. That’s Good News right there! God’s grace and goodness always, as a law, super abound any evil there is. There is surpassing ability in the Word of God to heal and liberate you from the deep hurts and the chains that wrong words have bound you with. God’s Word is full of life. It’s powerful and sharp. It has the ability to cut through your innermost being, to bring comfort, encouragement, healing to your memory and emotions. Rather than tear you up, it builds you up until you’re whole again.

However, the extent to which the Word of God works in you is entirely dependent on you. You may choose to internalize it or not. Again, you internalize it through focusing your thoughts on it and speaking it to yourself repeatedly (meditation).

Apostle Paul in Ephesians 6 tells us that we are in a spiritual warfare. And in 2Corinthians10, he tells us that the warfare is taking place within us – in our minds. Our minds are the battlefield. We are doing battle against spiritual forces that seek to enslave and control our minds through negative ideas and beliefs and reasonings. The Good News is that we are not defenseless or powerless over their assault. We have spiritual weapons. And our weapons are powered and guided and made effective by God Himself. All we have to do is, USE THEM.

We pull down mental strongholds, cast down destructive imaginations and take our thoughts captive, forcing them to align with what God says about us. We can do this with our own mouth. Yes, your mouth. God has given you a mouth to master your mind. And mental strongholds are best pulled down via words – God’s Words on your lips.

Let’s get practical.
First, identify a statement or a reasoning that has been working against you, holding you down and stopping you from giving full expression to your potential.
Then locate at least four Bible verses that counter that statement or belief or reasoning.
Next, commit them to heart. Memorize them. The easiest way to do this is to copy them out. You may also wish to paste them where your eyes can easily see them, like your mirror or wall.
Now you’re loaded. Start the bombardment. Meditate on the verses. Pray them. Use them in your self-talk. That is, speak them to yourself. Keep at it as long as it takes, until those limiting strongholds the enemy has planted in your mind come crumbling down. And a new and empowering stronghold of truth is built up in you.

Let me show you what I have been saying.
Let’s say the negative stronghold is , “I can’t amount to anything; I am such a failure”

Bible verses that counter that lie include:

1. “I CAN DO ALL THINGS through Christ, Who makes me strong.” (Philippians 4:13)

2. “God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or think according to the POWER THAT WORKS IN ME.” (Ephesians 3:20)

3. “…He who has began a good work in me is faithful to complete it. (Philippians 1:6)

4. ” My grace is sufficient for you: for my strength is made perfect in your weakness. ” (2Corinthians 12:9).

Next, start focusing your thoughts on these truths. Speak them back to yourself over and again. And never forget to pray them, claiming your victory.

Armed with these missiles of truth, Satan doesn’t stand a chance!

To help you in this warfare, I advice you to get my book, NO ORDINARY GIRL. You can purchase it on this website. Get to the Menu and click on the Shop then select the book and proceed to place your order. It will be delivered to you once your payment is confirmed.

If you have been blessed by this, please leave a comment for me and share it with others.

Much Love.

A friendly reminder!

© Prince Najime. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission, from this blog’s author and/or owner, is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Prince Najime, with proper and specific direction to the original content at

11 Replies to “The Healing Power Of Right Words”

  1. This is really wonderful… God bless you Sir.. Had a lot on my mind yesterday night but reading this now, I am lifted in my spirit that I can make it.

  2. Many been a victim of negative words spoken to them in time past. But this well articulated script of truth from the Word of God is a prove that there is every need to always say the right words from our mouths.
    I am so blessed and inspired by this post and I hope someone out there can be much more blessed by it.
    This is indeed an eye opener and an unforgettable enlightenment.
    God bless you with increased wisdom sir.

  3. Praise God! Despite the many negative words floating around me, I have many more comforting and affirming statements in the Word of God, to counter and destroy their effects! I stand on God’s word! Hallelujah! Thank you Sir!

  4. Powerful are my words. It doesn’t matter how many negative words have been spoken to me, all I need do is get what God says that negates it, know it, meditate on it and every negativity is rendered void! Thanks for being a blessing!

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