I Pledge My Love


I pledge My love,
To love you forever,
To love you to the very end,
To love you in time and eternity,
To love you unconditionally,
To love you unreservedly,
To love you with all that I Am and all that I have.

I pledge My love,
To never fail you,
To never give you up,
To never give up on you,
To never leave you,
To never relax My hold on you,
To never forget you,
To never let you down,
To never abandon you,
To love you with all that I Am and all that I have.

I pledge My love,
To never judge you,
To never reject you,
To never condemn you,
To never pass sentence on you,
To never accuse you,
To never cast you out,
To never destroy you,
To love you with all that I Am and all that I have.

I pledge My love,
To comfort you,
To cherish you,
To nourish you,
To protect you,
To groom you,
To, with My Words, cleanse you,
To lay down My life for you,
To love you with all that I Am and all that I have.

I pledge My love,
To love you in all circumstances,
To love you before men,
To love you before women,
To love you before angels,
To love you before demons,
To love you in the valley,
To love you on mountain top,
To love you with all that I Am and all that I have.

This is My solemn pledge.

I will love you forever!

A friendly reminder!

© Prince Najime. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission, from this blog’s author and/or owner, is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Prince Najime, with proper and specific direction to the original content at www.princenajime.com