We are God’s masterpiece!
He created us in His very own image and likeness. And when man lost his place to sin, when he was separated from his Maker by his act of disobedience, God stepped in again. He laid down His life for man. He gave His life to free us from a very kind of sin, to cleanse us, and to make us His own children. He did this for every man and woman and child. He died for YOU; He died for ME. “Why would God invest so much in me?”, you may be wondering.
The Maestro
I have read the story of the master artist, Michael Angelo, who would take a seemingly useless marble and turn it into a masterpiece. To Michael, no piece of marble was useless or worthless. One day someone saw Angelo, circling a piece of marble, over and over, with his eyes firmly fixed on it. And he asked him what he was doing, and Angelo said, “There is an Angel trapped in there, and I need to set him free.” Continue reading “The Maestro”
She came home to a burning house, with neighbours making frantic efforts to put out the fire. Her heart skipped, and her mother instinct instantly came alive. Her baby was still in the building, and she must save her life. Her neighbours tried to restrain her, but could not; She kicked, slapped and bite. She must do all she could to reach her baby and rescue her from eminent death. She was not afraid of the fire. Continue reading “FIERCE LOVE!”