Forgive And Embrace Yourself

Forgive and embrace yourself. For God isn’t holding a grudge against you!

We invest one more day looking at what it really means to be loved by God. And today we shall focus on His unconditional forgiveness.

Last week a brother of mine had some issues with his health. And when he got to a pharmacist, he was diagnosed of typhoid and malaria fever. He was given appropriate medication, and by the next day, the guy was on his feet again. Praise God!

However, the most interesting part of his story is that, when a certain pastor, who felt that the guy had disrespected her (even though the guy in question didn’t even know he had wronged her!) heard about his health challenge, she said that the young man was sick because he had disrespected her.

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Accept God’s Forgiveness And Experience A Rich Sense Of His Love

Love and forgiveness move together. Until you are settled in the reality of God’s forgiveness for your sins and failures, you will be unsettled in your sense of His love for you.

Have you ever been hurt by someone so close to you?
And that got you wondering if their love was for real?
Or have you ever hurt someone special to your heart, and that got you wondering if they would still believe your love for them?
Offenses put a question mark on our love and commitment. And until they’re resolved, that silent question may remain in our minds for long, and affect our friendship and deep sense of love.

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Practical Tips On Letting Go

Letting go is an act that everyone has to master, to live an offense-free life.

Life is lived on purpose. You don’t wait for life to happen to you. No, you plan for it. While we may not be able to always predict what may come our way tomorrow, to a large extent, we can determine what our responses should be. For instance, I have already determined in my heart that I shall live a life of prompt forgiveness, no matter what. I have decided, with God’s help, that I will never carry grudges in my mind. I understand that some hurt may be deeper, but I also know that I can always count on the Holy Spirit, to stay true to my resolve. A friend once offended me, and when he came apologizing, I told him, “I forgave you, even before you did what you did.” You needed to see the look on his face!

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You Are Not Too Hurt To Forgive

You are not too hurt to forgive. And you are not too weak to forgive!There is power available to let go the offense and the hurt, and to take back control over your thoughts and emotions.

While the act of forgiveness may demand so much from you, especially when the hurt is deep, it’s a worthy endeavour. Its rewards are richer than you may imagine.
And forgiveness is a daily possibility.

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Unforgiveness Is A Killer

Medical reports have shown that most human ailments are stress-related or stress-induced. And that unforgiveness, hurt, offense or bitterness create a lot of stress in the mind and body, which may trigger heart-related conditions, ulcers, high blood pressure, chest pain, headaches, etc
The reports also show that forgiveness decreases stress levels and promote health.
The Bible gives credence to these facts:
“A sound mind makes for a robust body, but runaway emotions corrode the bones.”
(Proverbs 14:30, MSG)
A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength.”
(Proverbs 17:22,NLT)

The answer to unforgiveness, hurt, bitterness and the pain of offense is, FORGIVENESS.

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