You are cherished!

When Daddy God declares over you, “This is my Son, chosen and marked by my love, delight of my life,”
He is saying, “I CHERISH you, My Child.”

To cherish is to treat with tenderness and affection; to nurture with care; to protect and aid. God regards you with such tender affection. He cares about you deeply. His everlasting arms are always stretched over you, to keep you safe from harm. He is so deeply moved at the thought of you. For you’re the Son of His love, the offspring of the sacred sacrifice of God’s only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ.

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When God Says “I Love You”

When God says I love you, what exactly is He talking about? What does He really mean? He means I take a peculiar delight in you!

In the next couple of days we shall be considering what God really means when He says to you, “I love you.”

Matthew gave us the account of Jesus’ baptism in the Jordan river, how that He was baptised by John the Baptist. And how there came a voice out of heaven, declaring:
“… This is My Son, My Beloved, in Whom I delight!”
(Matthew 3:17,AMP)

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Energized For Love

Energized For Love!

Have you ever felt like you can take it no more with some persons in your life?
Or maybe you have to put up with a nagging parent or an “impossible” employer, and you’re beginning to feel you have endured for so long and can’t go any further?
Or maybe you outrightly feel like you don’t have the energy to love.

Relationships demand and take alot from us – emotionally, mentally and physically. And for difficult ones, it can be really exhausting, taking every ounce of your emotional strength.

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Live Life Unrestrained

Live Life Unrestrained. Unfettered. Unshackled.

We were wired for love. Yes, love. That’s why nothing gives you a sense of well-being as loving and being loved.

Oftentimes, we don’t live true to this wiring. We hold back from living the love life. We deny our true God-shaped selves the freedom to express ourselves – love and be loved. And when we do that, little do we realize that we are holding back from living authentically.

So what is stopping you from being authentic?
What’s stopping you from living your life the way you were designed to function?
For some it is fear. Fear of being left. Fear of losing their freedom. Fear of rejection. Fear of misconstruction. Fear of not being hot or good enough. Fear of the opinions of other people. The list goes on.

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Accept God’s Forgiveness And Experience A Rich Sense Of His Love

Love and forgiveness move together. Until you are settled in the reality of God’s forgiveness for your sins and failures, you will be unsettled in your sense of His love for you.

Have you ever been hurt by someone so close to you?
And that got you wondering if their love was for real?
Or have you ever hurt someone special to your heart, and that got you wondering if they would still believe your love for them?
Offenses put a question mark on our love and commitment. And until they’re resolved, that silent question may remain in our minds for long, and affect our friendship and deep sense of love.

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God Loves You, And You Can’t Change That

God loves you, and you can’t do nothing about it!

Your entire life revolves around the revelation of God’s unending and unconditional love for you. Whether you fail or succeed with people, the reason won’t be far fetched from your understanding or non-understanding of God’s love for you.

There are a few thoughts I wish to explore in this post.
First, God’s love for you is unconditional. What that means is that, His love for you has no strings attached. His love isn’t premised on what you have or haven’t done or said. God loves you, not because you’re lovable. No! He loves you because He is love, and decided to love you. He loves you because it’s His nature to share His life and goodness. God loves you because love is His very essence.
Apostle John the beloved says that God first loved us.

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God’s Love Suffers Long


God’s Love Suffers Long!

Today we continue looking at the nature of God’s love for us. Let’s begin right here:

O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His mercy and loving-kindness endure forever.”
(Psalm 136:1,AMP)

When I was meditating on this Scripture, the word “endure” attracted my attention. So I looked it up in the dictionary, and this is what I found:

“To experience and deal with something that is painful or unpleasant, especially without complaining.”

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God’s Love Won’t Let You Down

God’s Love Will Never Fail You

Have you ever been to a place in your life, where it seemed like God had turned His back on you?
Or the idea of His love didn’t make sense any longer?
I have been there.

The death of my father ripped such a deep wound in my heart. It wasn’t only in my heart, but in our home generally. It was such a tough time for us. And for me, especially, since I was beginning to experience a deep, meaningful relationship with my father. It happened at a time when I was pursuing my University admission. And worst still, he passed on right before my eyes, in a hospital. That’s so much for a seventeen year old.
The thought of having to face the future without my dad was simply terrifying. While I was doing my best to put myself together, like everyone expected me to, deep down my heart, I had troubling questions. Hard questions that demanded answers.
“If God really loved me, like I thought He did, why would He let that happen to me?”

“Would my father have lived, if I had prayed more?”

“How was I going to face life, feeling so weak and vulnerable?”

I really struggled with the idea of a loving Father, letting me go through such grief. However, in spite of all my struggles, somehow, God helped me to go through that difficult time of my life. And in spite of my questions, I noticed a quiet in my heart that I couldn’t explain.

The Psalmist tells us something pivotal about the true nature of God. He says,
“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever.”
(Psalm 136:1, ESV)

God is good. He is the superlative of goodness. He is no evil. God is light, and there’s not a trace of darkness in Him. God never sends evil our way. Neither does He punish us with evil. He is intrinsically good. And eternally bent on doing us good only. While we may not be able to always explain why bad things happen to us, whom God loves, we know for sure that He is not the author of evil. And His heart grieves when we hurt. Not only that, but He also helps us rise above the pains and the hurt. He comforts us, when we are afflicted. And builds His comfort within us, so that we can also comfort others who may be going through similar ordeals. Evil is never God-sent, however, when it befalls us, God forges it into a greater good for us. By His divine power, He turns things around for our good.

One of the things I noticed after I had healed from the loss of my father, was a deep feeling for those who lost their fathers. I could connect with their fears and concerns. And I noticed that I could easily talk to them. I feel compassion for them.

Loved With Reckless Abandon

Loved With Reckless Abandon!

“Does he love me as much as l love him?”

“Does she love me as much as I love her?”

Do these statements sound familiar?
I can relate with them. We all should. For it’s a deep-seated need in the heart of every human to want to be sure that we are truly loved and valued. But more, not only do we want to know that we are loved by a fellow human, but also that we are loved by God.

So how much does God love us?

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Practical Tips On Letting Go

Letting go is an act that everyone has to master, to live an offense-free life.

Life is lived on purpose. You don’t wait for life to happen to you. No, you plan for it. While we may not be able to always predict what may come our way tomorrow, to a large extent, we can determine what our responses should be. For instance, I have already determined in my heart that I shall live a life of prompt forgiveness, no matter what. I have decided, with God’s help, that I will never carry grudges in my mind. I understand that some hurt may be deeper, but I also know that I can always count on the Holy Spirit, to stay true to my resolve. A friend once offended me, and when he came apologizing, I told him, “I forgave you, even before you did what you did.” You needed to see the look on his face!

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