Understanding God’s Love 2


In our episode one on understanding God’s love, we saw that it’s not possible for the human mind to grasp the love of God. For His love can only be understood by the revelation of the Holy Spirit, Who indwells our innermost being.

Apostle Paul, in Ephesians 3:17-19, shows us the importance of coming to know, by the Spirit, the fathomless love of God. He tells us that by the revelation of the Spirit, we can come to know the height, the breadth, the length and the depth of the love of Christ.

His love is boundless in its breath; endless in its length; exhaustless in its depth; and measureless in its height.
The love of Christ for you passes all human knowledge and wisdom. It’s better than life and stronger than death. It reaches to the deepest and darkest depth of human sin and decay, and to the highest and holiest of divine perfection. God’s love for you transcends time and eternity. This is because GOD IS LOVE.

To know the love of God is to know the God Who Himself is love. To be filled with the fullness of love, by the Spirit is, to be filled with the richest measure of the Divine Presence. To live in love is to live in God and to be indwelt by God Who is love.

O’ for a deeper understanding of your boundless and unconditional love for me! …That I may know how high, wide, long and deep your love for me is. And be rooted and grounded in your ineffable love for me. And to be filled with all your fullness. This, for me, my Father and my Love, is my highest purpose and greatest quest.

A friendly reminder!

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