Relationship – Prince Najime Author | Speaker | Husband Mon, 10 Dec 2018 06:09:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Relationship – Prince Najime 32 32 147972840 Made For Intimacy Mon, 10 Dec 2018 06:09:01 +0000 Continue reading "Made For Intimacy"

You were made for intimacy!

God made the birds to fly and the fishes to swim. God made you for love and intimacy. To live life unloved is like clipping the wings of a bird or the fins of a fish. It’s to be unfulfilled.

After God made man, the Bible tells us something deep about the man God created. “And God said, it is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.”
(Genesis 2:18)

Did you see that?
You were made for connection, relationship, intimacy, communion. Outside of this, you malfunction.

Man’s first relationship was with his Manufacturers, God. He first spoke and shared with Him. God’s original intention wasn’t to create servants or slaves to serve Him. No! If that’s all about it, then man would not be needed, because God already had myriads of angels. However, God wanted a family of sons (males and females). He wanted sons He could share His life with.

You know, God is love. And it’s the nature of love to share. So God wanted to share His life and nature with man. He wanted to give you His peace, especially when you’re going through some storms. He wanted to share His joy with you, especially when you’re grieving or sad. He wanted you to share in His righteousness.

Not only did God want to share His life with you, but He also wants to share in your own life with you. He wanted to be in touch with your realities. God wants to share in my life? Yes, your life! He wants to be a part of your struggles. He wants to be with you in your grief. He wants to help you out of those things you’re even ashamed to talk about. God wants to take your brokenness and piece it together into something beautiful and attractive.

Yes, that temptation that always makes your trip, God wants to help you find the strength to overcome it. You need to know that He isn’t irritated with you. God isn’t depressed by your failures. God isn’t even expecting you to walk perfectly. Because He knows that you can’t, without Him. All He wants is for you to trust Him enough to let Him help you.

Will you let Him help you today?
Life wasn’t meant to be lived alone. You were not made to go it alone. You were made for intimacy with the Father. That’s where your life, joy, peace, strength flows out from.

Kindly ask God to come and walk this path of life together with you today.

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The Fear Of Intimacy Wed, 29 Aug 2018 08:53:07 +0000 Continue reading "The Fear Of Intimacy"

The fear of intimacy is one of the very real fears that attack the human heart.

The Creator decided to put within everyone a deep-seated, and overwhelming desire for intimacy. Everyone longs to love and be loved. Everyone craves for a relationship of some sort; we just want to feel connected or belonging. And almost as strong as the overwhelming desire to love and be loved is, the fear of intimacy. The fear of intimacy manifests itself in two basic ways. It may come as the fear of heartbreak or being jilted. And the fear of getting too close than it’s convenient for you; the fear of being trapped in a relationship.

Lots of people are plagued by the fear of being let down or being left in a relationship, especially if they had suffered that before. You know, the thought of going into another relationship that may brake their hearts again can be scary. For me, my greatest fear was that of getting too close for convince. I had loved being independent. And my sense of independence got such a strong grip on me, that I feared that if I got into a serious relationship, I might lose it. And that, for me, was like losing myself. I feared that I would always have to explain what I was doing, where I was and all that. For me, that’s losing my independence. That felt like a trap. And that I dreaded.

While those fears may make you feel like you’re on the safe side – safe from the hurt of heartbreak and safe from being choked – they also keep you from experiencing the joy and the thrill of lovingly intimate relationships. These fears stand in the way of intimacy. They hold you back from pouring the best of yourself into your relationship. Consequently, they also stop you from enjoying the richness of the relationship.

If you must unlock the treasure locked up in any relationship, you must be willing to be vulnerable. As a matter of fact, going into a relationship opens you up to the possibilities of being left and loss of independence. However, you can’t live your life based on your fears. You could either choose to let fear drive your relationship or let faith do the driving.
For me, I knew I had a decision to make, a fear to conquer. And I needed to do it as quickly as it’s possible. Usually, when I face a situation, almost always, the first thing I do is turn to God. Because I know that left on my own, I can so mess things up. ?
So I turned to my Bible. I saw verses like, “He who finds a wife has found a good thing, and has obtained favor from the Lord.”
OK, so a serious relationship that would lead to marriage didn’t look like a curse!
It’s a blessing.
And “the blessing of the Lord makes rich and adds no sorrow.”
It’s getting better. My mind was greatly beginning to shift. I was gaining a new perspective, a brand new way of seeing my relationship. And along with it, my fear of being trapped in a relationship was gradually giving way.
Then I came to a verse like, “trust in the Lord with all your heart, and in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.”
I felt good, because I could trust Him, to guide my choice. I really needed His help. So I asked for it. And I received it!
Today, my wife and I are the best of friends. I love spending lots of time with her. Can’t seem to have enough! ?

You can choose to let God’s Word change your thinking, to overwrite your fears today, and experience the abundant life He came to give in your relationship or you could choose to hold tightly to your fears and also miss out on loving, intimate relationship.
Choose the former.

With much Love.

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Together Forever Tue, 21 Aug 2018 17:23:58 +0000 Continue reading "Together Forever"

The newly weds John and Benita beam with Joy as they chorused a portion of their vow “Till death do us part” and stepped into their new home.

Much more powerful than the togetherness that marital commitment brings is, the togetherness that accepting Christ brings between God and man.

But the person who is united to the Lord becomes one spirit with Him.”

(1Cor 6:17)

When anyone accepts Christ, the Holy Spirit comes to live in them forever.

And because you [really] are [His] sons, God has sent the [Holy] Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, Abba (Father)! Father!”(Gal 4:6, AMP)

Even death cannot separate them: 

“…God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” (Hebrew 13:5, NIV)

Within their new home, John and Benita will sometimes have to be in different parts of the house. They would also go out and be apart a lot. But the Holy Spirit is so firmly and deeply fixed in you that you are never apart from Him. Not even for a second!

He is so committed to loving us that He didn’t stay in heaven nor moved into the neighbourhood. He chose to come and live within anyone who would let Him.
He seeks to have a rich, unbroken fellowship with us every minute of our lives.

May you give him the chance of abiding in you and commit to relating with him always.

If this post has blessed you, we will love to hear from you.

By Princess Beatrice Najime

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