patience – Prince Najime Author | Speaker | Husband Fri, 12 Oct 2018 00:09:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 patience – Prince Najime 32 32 147972840 Energized For Love Fri, 12 Oct 2018 00:09:07 +0000 Continue reading "Energized For Love"

Energized For Love!

Have you ever felt like you can take it no more with some persons in your life?
Or maybe you have to put up with a nagging parent or an “impossible” employer, and you’re beginning to feel you have endured for so long and can’t go any further?
Or maybe you outrightly feel like you don’t have the energy to love.

Relationships demand and take alot from us – emotionally, mentally and physically. And for difficult ones, it can be really exhausting, taking every ounce of your emotional strength.

I have had to put up with some persons at certain times in my life, who were hellbent on ruining my reputation and discrediting the work of God in my life. They said all kinds of things against me. But I was not permitted (by God) to hit them back. ?

Rather, I was commanded to respond to them with love. With love? Yes, with love. This was a very difficult time in my life. The natural inclination was to hit back, good measure running over. But I had a strong restraint from within. That’s when I realized that it takes more energy loving than hating. Because hating comes natural, but loving takes such determination. Such energy.

What I needed was the energy to love those “undeserving” persons. The strength to bless those who were cursing me. The energy to pray FOR, and NOT AGAINST my persecutors. The ability to accommodate the “irritating.”

I saw something really powerful, that blesses me so much. It’s found in Colossians 1:11
Here was apostle Paul praying for the Colossians during a tough time in their lives. He prayed for them that they might “be INVIGORATED and STRENGTHENED with all power according to the might of his glory, [to exercise] every kind of ENDURANCE and PATIENCE (perseverance and forbearance) with JOY.” (MSG)

Wow, what a prayer!
Always remember this: there is energy for any difficult relationship. Your relationship can never become so difficult, that the ability of God will not be sufficient for you to handle it.

God wants to give you the ability to hang in there, without quitting or withdrawing your love. He wants to lift you above depression or gloom, and cause you to go through that ordeal with patience and exuberant joy. He wants to make your heart so strong, that you won’t be exhausted any longer, but be full of such JOY.
He wants to reinforce your heart with His ability, to keep loving that deviant child, that absentee father, that uncaring person, with all your heart while God works on their minds, to save them.

When faced with difficult people, never sink into depression nor give up. Rather, turn to God for the spiritual energy to love such people. Love ain’t weak; it’s invigorated by God Himself, to stand up to challenges, with joy!

When you feel weak or you don’t seem to have the energy to continue, turn to God for a recharge. Ask to be invigorated and strengthened, to exercise endurance and patience. But more, to be full of JOY!
