no grudge – Prince Najime Author | Speaker | Husband Mon, 29 Oct 2018 09:23:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 no grudge – Prince Najime 32 32 147972840 Forgive And Embrace Yourself Mon, 29 Oct 2018 09:23:10 +0000 Continue reading "Forgive And Embrace Yourself"

Forgive and embrace yourself. For God isn’t holding a grudge against you!

We invest one more day looking at what it really means to be loved by God. And today we shall focus on His unconditional forgiveness.

Last week a brother of mine had some issues with his health. And when he got to a pharmacist, he was diagnosed of typhoid and malaria fever. He was given appropriate medication, and by the next day, the guy was on his feet again. Praise God!

However, the most interesting part of his story is that, when a certain pastor, who felt that the guy had disrespected her (even though the guy in question didn’t even know he had wronged her!) heard about his health challenge, she said that the young man was sick because he had disrespected her.

Have you ever had a challenge, and felt like that’s God getting even with you?
I used to be that way. That’s more because of the kinds of preachings I had received back then. I always interpreted problems as God trying to get back at me. But nothing could be farther from the truth!

That’s such a wrong misrepresentation of who God really is. God is intrinsically good. He is endlessly merciful; infinitely compassionate; eternally forgiving. And He never deals with us according to our wrongs. No, He doesn’t!
The Psalmist said,
“he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities.”
(Psalm 103:10, NIV)

Rather, God treats us with infinite compassion. If He keeps a grudge against us or repays us according to our sins, He will be contradicting His nature and His Word.

His Word says,
“I, even I, am He Who blots out and cancels your transgressions, for My own sake, and I will not remember your sins.”
(Isaiah 43:25, AMP)

God has forever forgiven you of your sins and He has absolved you from all your guilt, if you are in Christ. Hear what His Word says,

“As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.”
(Psalm 103:12, AMP)

Not only has God forgiven you, He has also, eternally separated you from your sins, never to be united ever again.
That’s a Hallelujah right there!

God never calls your sins to remembrance. No, He never does!
As powerful and as all-knowing as God is, He has chosen to forget all our wrongs once forgiven. He never keeps a record of what His mercy has forgiven. If you’re in Christ, this is your reality. Fear no more!

This is the truth about God. Study along these lines. Fill up your minds with these truth until they supplant every lie of the devil in your subconscious mind.

When God says I love you, He means that He has forever forgiven you, and will never keep a grudge against you.

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