Holy Spirit – Prince Najime https://princenajime.com Author | Speaker | Husband Mon, 10 Sep 2018 10:57:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://i0.wp.com/princenajime.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/cropped-DSC3429.jpg?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 Holy Spirit – Prince Najime https://princenajime.com 32 32 147972840 You Are Not Too Hurt To Forgive https://princenajime.com/you-are-not-too-hurt-to-forgive/ https://princenajime.com/you-are-not-too-hurt-to-forgive/#comments Mon, 10 Sep 2018 10:57:02 +0000 https://princenajime.com/?p=334 Continue reading "You Are Not Too Hurt To Forgive"

You are not too hurt to forgive. And you are not too weak to forgive!There is power available to let go the offense and the hurt, and to take back control over your thoughts and emotions.

While the act of forgiveness may demand so much from you, especially when the hurt is deep, it’s a worthy endeavour. Its rewards are richer than you may imagine.
And forgiveness is a daily possibility.

The Bible tells us that it’s possible for us to forgive AS Christ did.

Father, FORGIVE THEM; for they don’t know what they are doing.” (Luke23:34)

That was Christ crying out to His Father for those who had mocked, rejected, despised, spat on His face, crushed His flesh, and now nail Him to a cross.
What a power!

That same power is at work in your life today. The Holy Spirit.
Forgiveness is a power you wield over offense. People may hurt you, betray you; they may take anything from you, but one thing they can’t take from you is this: the power to forgive them.
That’s real power right there! ?

Paul the apostle encourages us to exercise this power, when he said,
Do not let yourself be overcome by evil, but overcome (master) evil with good.”
(Romans 12:21,AMP)

Paul is saying, don’t give anyone the permission to hurt you any more than they have already done. Rather, exercise your power to forgive, and break the stranglehold of that abuse, betrayal, rejection, disappointment over your mind. Let go the hurt. Let go the bitterness. Let go the resentment.

Forgiveness is a process. It may take just a moment or days or even months, but the first step is always the decision to forgive.
Make that decision today, dear. You’re too precious to be damaged by offenses. Ask the Holy Spirit to supply the strength and wisdom to carry through this process.

I have come to realise, through experience that, sometimes you have to forgive over and over again. Continue affirming your forgiveness, especially when the bitterness still lingers. You will know you have truly forgiven and are healing, when the hurt, bitterness, and the urge to revenge are gone.

Acknowledge the fact that God’s help is available for you.
You’re not alone.
God won’t let you down. You have only to trust Him to overcome the pains.

No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.”
(1Corinthians 10:13,ESV)

You can forgive and experience peace again!

With much love,

Prince Iorungwa Najime

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