Heart – Prince Najime https://princenajime.com Author | Speaker | Husband Thu, 14 May 2020 08:31:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://i0.wp.com/princenajime.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/cropped-DSC3429.jpg?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 Heart – Prince Najime https://princenajime.com 32 32 147972840 The God Who Heals Broken Hearts https://princenajime.com/the-god-who-heals-broken-hearts/ https://princenajime.com/the-god-who-heals-broken-hearts/#comments Thu, 14 May 2020 08:24:28 +0000 https://princenajime.com/?p=1768 Continue reading "The God Who Heals Broken Hearts"

The God Who Heals Broken Hearts

God does heal broken hearts!

The Bible portrays God as a healer, not just of the body, but also of the innerman – heart and soul. He is a God Who heals and mends broken hearts. He heals our hurting emotions, and pained memories.
Jesus declared that He had come to heal and mend the brokenhearted. This is Great News!

God heals us by comforting our hearts. Isn’t it amazing that of all the names there are, Jesus chose to call the Holy Spirit “the Comforter”? Observe that Jesus didn’t say “a comforter”. He is the Comforter. That means there ain’t any other comforter in the earth. He took the place of Jesus Christ. He is the One Who comforts us in our brokenness.

The word “comfort” is a compound word from the words “com-” and “fortis.” Com is a word forming element usually meaning “with, together, together with, in combination.” Fortis is a Latin, which means “strong, brave.” Our word fortitude also came from the same root. Putting the two together, the word comfort gives a picture of a union or relationship, which brings strength, solace, help, bravery. So the Comforter is One Who comes alongside or walks together with us, to help, aid, assist, solace and strengthen us, especially in our down moments.

The beautiful thing about this picture is the relationship aspect. True and lasting comfort comes only from the vital relationship we have with the Holy Spirit. He doesn’t offer us help from a distance. No! He’s already come to live within us. He has made Himself one with us. In this way, He feels what we feel. In our pain and affliction, He is also pained and afflicted. He understands perfectly our hard-to-describe struggles. He knows our thoughts before we think them, and our words before we utter them. He is never disconnected from our realities.

Not only does the Comforter share in our own pains and sufferings, He helps us to also share in His strength, comfort, joy, peace and healing. He binds up the brokenhearted; strengthens the weak with much strength in their inner man. To the despairing, He imparts hope for a brighter future. He helps us conquer our shame and disappointment. He gives the ability to rise above our hurt, to forgive and to let go of the painful past.

The dear Holy Spirit comforts hearts that are grieving and mourning the loss of loved ones. How He does it amazes me. Gradually but surely He brings in His peace and restores joy. I have been privileged to experience this myself. When I lost my wife, I couldn’t imagine I would be whole again. I was devastated beyond words. I felt torn apart. My pain was indescribable. It’s been a little over a year now, and looking back, I am so grateful for His healing and inner strength, even though He still has alot of mending to do on my heart.

In the midst of the hurt, the fear, the loneliness, the so many unanswered questions and emotions I couldn’t identify, one thing stood tall for me – the ever-abiding Presence of the Helper deep within me. I was not left alone. He was right there with me in it all. That was so reassuring and took care of my fears. And knowing that He was hurting as much as I was, gave me strength beyond measure. I felt loved and valued. And there were times I could even feel His soothing embrace. His voice is both life and healing to me.

I also found out that, not only does the Comforter relieve our pains and gives us the strength to pull through them, He also changes us in the process. He makes us into comforters. He makes our hearts tender and sensitive to the pains of others. We become more compassionate towards those hurting, especially those who are going through the same thing we have come through.

Apostle Paul aptly captures this amazing transformation when he said this about the Comforter:

“He always comes alongside us to comfort us in every suffering so that we can come alongside those who are in any painful trial. We can bring them this same comfort that God has poured out upon us.” (2 Corinthians 1:4, TPT)

Receive the healing comfort of the Divine Comforter today. In Jesus Name

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Compassion Saves Your Heart From Becoming Hardened https://princenajime.com/compassion-saves-your-heart-from-becoming-hardened/ https://princenajime.com/compassion-saves-your-heart-from-becoming-hardened/#comments Tue, 06 Nov 2018 08:00:01 +0000 https://princenajime.com/?p=430 Continue reading "Compassion Saves Your Heart From Becoming Hardened"

Compassion saves your heart from becoming hardened!

In a a previous post, we saw that the Creator had blessed each of us with a HEART OF COMPASSION. That’s a heart with the capacity to feel God’s deep feelings for the pains or sufferings of people, and the strong desire to alleviate them.

The heart is a spiritual sense organ just the same way we have physical sense organs. The physical sense organs make us aware of the physical environment. The heart is the organ of spiritual touch. God reaches us through our hearts. Through our heart, we become aware of what God’s heartbeat.

The heart has the capacity to sense, perceive, and hear the voice of God. And also communicate to and with Him.

However, this sensitivity is developed over time as we learn to daily yield to the voice or nudges of the Spirit of God. The more we yield to Him in obedience, the more tender and sensitive our heart becomes toward Him.

A heart that has become hardened towards God also becomes dull to His voice and leading. That’s not all; the heart also becomes past caring, insensitive to human plight, unkind, merciless. And even wicked towards others. This is what we save our hearts from each time we let God’s compassion find meaningful and creative ways to express itself through us.

On the other hand, when we refuse to follow God’s impressions on our heart, to show compassion, our heart – the organ of spiritual touch – becomes hardened towards Him, and dull to His voice. For instance, every time we yield to His compassion, and allow His love flow through us towards others, our hearts become more tender towards God. And it becomes easier for us to pick His signal and do what He wants us to do.

We were made to respond to the Father’s heart of compassion. We see how we were designed to operate in the way Christ operated. He was always MOVED WITH COMPASSION at the sight of human plight.
And Jesus, MOVED with COMPASSION, put forth his hand, and touched him, and saith unto him, I will; be thou clean.”
(Mark 1:41)

We are engineered to be moved with compassion just like Jesus. That’s the way we were designed to function. Every time we resist this inner wiring, a very vital part of us dies. We become unreceptive and unresponsive to the voice of our Maker. Our hearts are hardened towards Him. We lose touch with the very essence of who we are.

A heart that’s not hardened, one that’s tender towards God is more sensitive and more easily influenced by God for good. That’s a heart God can use!

It’s my prayer that you will listen to and yield to your heart of compassion, and become more sensitive and tender towards God, and human needs.

https://princenajime.com/compassion-saves-your-heart-from-becoming-hardened/feed/ 1 430
Living From The HEART of COMPASSION https://princenajime.com/living-from-the-heart-of-compassion/ https://princenajime.com/living-from-the-heart-of-compassion/#comments Wed, 31 Oct 2018 09:05:57 +0000 https://princenajime.com/?p=421 Continue reading "Living From The HEART of COMPASSION"

Living from the heart of compassion is what I call living authentically!

To live authentically is to live life true to who you really are; to live from the centre or core of your being; to be in touch with and completely yield to your inner deep wiring.

Our hearts were designed for COMPASSION.
When the all-wise God was making you, He carefully placed within you something called BOWEL or a HEART of COMPASSION – the capacity to be able to enter into someone else’s world and feel what they are feeling.

COMPASSION is from the Greek sumpathos; meaning to share feelings and emotions.

COMPASSION is a deep awareness of the suffering of another, coupled with the will to help them or relieve it.
This is what makes us truly human. Without compassion, we are simply heartless!

When we go against our true selves, when we refuse to yield to our inner design for compassion, we tend to experience friction within us. Our very life revolts against us. We feel dis-comfort, dis-ease, un-rest. We are dis-heartened.

Can you remember a time when you saw a need that you could meet, but rather turned the other way?
How did you feel? Fantastic?
We never feel great when we refuse to help others. We feel terrible.

COMPASSION is the doorway into the innermost parts of your being. It churns the very visceral parts of you. It turns on your love nature, impacts your emotions, judgment and reason.

Our God is a God, Who is merciful and full of compassion. And we are created in His image and likeness. We are natural lovers. We are born compassionate.

Compassion is the trademark of the child of God. Compassion is like the trigger that releases your abilities and graces.

The ability to feel what others are feeling and the inner drive to reach out and relieve them is what births miracles in a minister’s life and ministry. It’s the secret of true happiness.

The feeling of compassion is God (LOVE) at work within your heart, MOVING you to reach out and alleviate someone’s pain or sorrow, with the spiritual or material resources He has given you!

To shut off your BOWELS or HEART of COMPASSION is to refuse to yield to your true self. It’s to go against your God-given heartbeat. And to limit the expression of the love of God within you.

But if anyone has this world’s goods (resources for sustaining life) and sees his brother and fellow believer in need, yet closes his HEART of COMPASSION against him, how can the love of God live and remain in him?”
(1John 3:17, AMP)

To let loose your heart of compassion is, to let loose your real life. It is giving expression to the love of God and His abilities deep within you. It is to let loose your happiness and inner joy that never comes any other way else. It is called living authentically.

Identity a need and let your HEART of COMPASSION move you to meet it. That’s the secret to abundant overflowing joy.

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