hardened – Prince Najime https://princenajime.com Author | Speaker | Husband Tue, 06 Nov 2018 08:00:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://i0.wp.com/princenajime.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/cropped-DSC3429.jpg?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 hardened – Prince Najime https://princenajime.com 32 32 147972840 Compassion Saves Your Heart From Becoming Hardened https://princenajime.com/compassion-saves-your-heart-from-becoming-hardened/ https://princenajime.com/compassion-saves-your-heart-from-becoming-hardened/#comments Tue, 06 Nov 2018 08:00:01 +0000 https://princenajime.com/?p=430 Continue reading "Compassion Saves Your Heart From Becoming Hardened"

Compassion saves your heart from becoming hardened!

In a a previous post, we saw that the Creator had blessed each of us with a HEART OF COMPASSION. That’s a heart with the capacity to feel God’s deep feelings for the pains or sufferings of people, and the strong desire to alleviate them.

The heart is a spiritual sense organ just the same way we have physical sense organs. The physical sense organs make us aware of the physical environment. The heart is the organ of spiritual touch. God reaches us through our hearts. Through our heart, we become aware of what God’s heartbeat.

The heart has the capacity to sense, perceive, and hear the voice of God. And also communicate to and with Him.

However, this sensitivity is developed over time as we learn to daily yield to the voice or nudges of the Spirit of God. The more we yield to Him in obedience, the more tender and sensitive our heart becomes toward Him.

A heart that has become hardened towards God also becomes dull to His voice and leading. That’s not all; the heart also becomes past caring, insensitive to human plight, unkind, merciless. And even wicked towards others. This is what we save our hearts from each time we let God’s compassion find meaningful and creative ways to express itself through us.

On the other hand, when we refuse to follow God’s impressions on our heart, to show compassion, our heart – the organ of spiritual touch – becomes hardened towards Him, and dull to His voice. For instance, every time we yield to His compassion, and allow His love flow through us towards others, our hearts become more tender towards God. And it becomes easier for us to pick His signal and do what He wants us to do.

We were made to respond to the Father’s heart of compassion. We see how we were designed to operate in the way Christ operated. He was always MOVED WITH COMPASSION at the sight of human plight.
And Jesus, MOVED with COMPASSION, put forth his hand, and touched him, and saith unto him, I will; be thou clean.”
(Mark 1:41)

We are engineered to be moved with compassion just like Jesus. That’s the way we were designed to function. Every time we resist this inner wiring, a very vital part of us dies. We become unreceptive and unresponsive to the voice of our Maker. Our hearts are hardened towards Him. We lose touch with the very essence of who we are.

A heart that’s not hardened, one that’s tender towards God is more sensitive and more easily influenced by God for good. That’s a heart God can use!

It’s my prayer that you will listen to and yield to your heart of compassion, and become more sensitive and tender towards God, and human needs.

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