forgive – Prince Najime Author | Speaker | Husband Mon, 24 Sep 2018 00:39:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 forgive – Prince Najime 32 32 147972840 God Loves You, And You Can’t Change That Mon, 24 Sep 2018 00:35:50 +0000 Continue reading "God Loves You, And You Can’t Change That"

God loves you, and you can’t do nothing about it!

Your entire life revolves around the revelation of God’s unending and unconditional love for you. Whether you fail or succeed with people, the reason won’t be far fetched from your understanding or non-understanding of God’s love for you.

There are a few thoughts I wish to explore in this post.
First, God’s love for you is unconditional. What that means is that, His love for you has no strings attached. His love isn’t premised on what you have or haven’t done or said. God loves you, not because you’re lovable. No! He loves you because He is love, and decided to love you. He loves you because it’s His nature to share His life and goodness. God loves you because love is His very essence.
Apostle John the beloved says that God first loved us.

“We love because he first loved us.”
(1John 4:19, ESV)

“This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.”
(1John 4:10, NIV)

And Apostle Paul said that, not only does God first loved us, but He loved us when we were of no use to Him whatsoever. He loved us when we were still sinners and satan-ruled.

“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
(Romans 5:8, NIV)

That’s unconditional love!

Second, you have to LET God love you.
No matter how much you want to show love to someone, if they won’t let you, you just can’t. It’s the same with God. While He loves you so much, He can’t force you to accept His love for you. No! He is gracious and never forceful. He would never force His love on you. It’s strictly your responsibility, to accept His love. You either believe that He loves you or you don’t. You either open your heart to understand the depth of His love for you or you don’t. It’s strictly up to you, dear one. It all begins with changing your perception or picture of who God is. If your picture of God is wrong, there is no way you will want to be intimate with such a God. So you will subconsciously shut your mind against His love. God is good. He isn’t evil. God is gracious and merciful. He is not easily angered. He is readily forgiving. As a matter of fact, He has forgiven you all your sins – past, present and future. He isn’t imputing your wrong doings in your account. No! He had put all your sins to Christ’s account. And had made Him suffer the full punishment for them.
Neither is He keeping a record of your failures. He blotted them out with His blood. God loves and values you enough to die for you. That’s something very big!

Open your heart, my friend , and let God love you the way only He can. Believe His love for you. Study to grow in your knowledge of His great love for you. Only then will you be energized to face the world, triumphantly.

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