You Are Not Too Hurt To Forgive

You are not too hurt to forgive. And you are not too weak to forgive!There is power available to let go the offense and the hurt, and to take back control over your thoughts and emotions.

While the act of forgiveness may demand so much from you, especially when the hurt is deep, it’s a worthy endeavour. Its rewards are richer than you may imagine.
And forgiveness is a daily possibility.

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Unforgiveness Is A Killer

Medical reports have shown that most human ailments are stress-related or stress-induced. And that unforgiveness, hurt, offense or bitterness create a lot of stress in the mind and body, which may trigger heart-related conditions, ulcers, high blood pressure, chest pain, headaches, etc
The reports also show that forgiveness decreases stress levels and promote health.
The Bible gives credence to these facts:
“A sound mind makes for a robust body, but runaway emotions corrode the bones.”
(Proverbs 14:30, MSG)
A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength.”
(Proverbs 17:22,NLT)

The answer to unforgiveness, hurt, bitterness and the pain of offense is, FORGIVENESS.

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The Fear Of Lack And Want

The Lord said these words to me on the morning of the ninth day of August, 2018. “Until man comes to realize that I have already blessed him with everything he needs to be all that he needs to be; that I have put him in the midst of abundance without his own effort; that I really care about him above all, man will always be afraid of lack, want and not having enough.

This fear will get him out of bed, early in the morning, push him out on the road. It will get him working himself to his bones, and get him back home so late and so exhausted and worn out. He will neither have time for Me nor his family. This cycle, if not checked, will continue for the rest of his short stay on earth. Man will reduce his life to the pursuit of just his SURVIVAL – what to eat, wear, drive, and where to live.

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Weighed Down By Accusations

Are you weighed down by false accusations?

I woke up this morning to face a rude accusation from a neighbor. He accused me of colluding with power supply officials to switch his phases with mine. And what was his reason? My light was brighter than his. But unknown to him, my bright supply came from a phase that’s taken from a different pole. Even though another neighbor came out to defend me, his mind was already made up, and he kept on with his accusations and names calling.

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The Healing Power Of Right Words

We invest yet another day looking at the power of words. Only today we’ll be considering the healing power of right words.

Words exact a powerful influence on our minds, for good or for evil. Rash words hurt. Graceful words heal. However, the extent to which any word or statement affects you is dependent on whether or not you choose to internalize it. You internalize a statement when we you keep playing it in your mind, repeating it to yourself over and again. Each time you repeat a statement, it gets deeper into the memory and wields stronger influence on your emotions, thoughts and imagination. So the magic is in repetition.

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You Can Choose To Be Healed

You can choose to be healed in your emotions and mind today.

We continue our talk on emotional healing and wholeness. And I shall be building on the foundation I laid the previous day.

Jesus called the Holy Spirit Comforter. The Spirit of God is our Comforter. And He lives right in our heart. When you are brokenhearted, know that the Holy Spirit lives right in the centre of that brokenness. He lives with and feels your hurt and pain. He isn’t ashamed of your brokenness. Neither is He depressed by it. No!

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God Loves You; Be Healed In Your Mind


God loves you and has provided for your emotional healing and wholeness. He cherishes and cares about you affectionately. He cares about what you think about and how you think about it. He is concerned about your feelings. And He wants your thoughts and emotions whole.

He wants your memory healed from past hurts, and your imagination straightened.
God loves you and has made provision for the healing of your mind and emotions.

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God Loves You; Be Healed In Your Body


Are you sick in your body, are you having health challenges?
There is Good News for you. There’s healing available for you. God’s love plan for you includes your total well-being. God wants you well. His will for you is to be healed and to live in perfect health. God doesn’t want you weighed down by ill health. He wants you to enjoy good health. Hear what His Word says,

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